A London Futurists Meetup
14 May 2016, 14:00–16:00, Birbeck College
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Cite as: Amnon H. Eden, “The Singularity Controversy: Three Years Later“, Sapience Project, London Futurists Meetup (14 May 2016), Birbeck College, London, DOI 10.13140/RG.2.1.1878.7448
Three years have passed since the publication of the volume of essays “The Singularity Hypotheses” — a publication that was marked at the time by a London Futurists discussion event. During these three years, public awareness of the concepts of an intelligence explosion has grown sharply – fuelled, in part, by statements from luminaries such as Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk.
In this event, Amnon Eden, lead editor of Singularity Hypotheses, returns to London Futurists to provide an update on the controversies about the Singularity. Topics to be covered will include:
• Luddites, Philistines, and Starry-Eyed: The War over Killer Robots
• AI (Artificial Intelligence) vs. IA (Intelligence Augmentation)
• “Technological Singularity”: A Definition, Sufficient and Necessary Conditions
• Perennial Fallacies, Debunked and Re-debunked
• Learning from the media storm